

300多名急救医生和护理人员组成了战地医疗队. 的se care providers go through an intensive hiring process and continuous clinical education, subsequently producing some of the best patient outcomes in the country. Our patients would agree that we have the best of the best…of those surveyed, 98%的人认为他们在bet9注册口的体验很好, 非常好或非常好!


医疗急救中心, 或厘米, is the only secondary Public Safety Answering Point for medical calls in the entire 状态 of North Carolina. 这意味着当拨打911报警电话时, 而不是警察部门派救护车来, 呼叫将直接转到CMED, 然后谁与呼叫者沟通, 进行医疗分诊, dispatches appropriate resources and provides life saving instructions. 的 center is an Accredited Center of Excellence (ACE) by the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch (1 of only 183 worldwide), which is an honor held only by elite dispatch centers who display highly specialized skills of telecommunications.


bet9注册口’s 物流 Department operates around the clock to stock ambulances, 订购供应品并保持对患者护理至关重要的库存. 这项服务对现场作业非常有益, who would traditionally be responsible for stocking duties before and after shifts. 物流在bet9注册口起着关键作用, though never has it been more evident than during the Agency’s COVID-19 response, ensuring each and every 现场操作 team member had adequate PPE to keep themselves and patients safe.


的 特别行动 division was created by MEDIC to help manage the Agency’s specialized assets and provide prehospital emergency medical care in non-traditional environments such as multiple patient incidents, 特别活动, 以及专门的执法行动. 特种作战技师 are responsible for deploying the Agency’s Mass Casualty Unit and buses to incidents where multiple patients could be encountered. 的y also maintain the fleet of Utility Vehicles that are staffed during 特别活动. 特种作战医务人员 与当地人合作, 状态, and federal law enforcement agencies providing prehospital emergency medical care during specialized law enforcement operations. 他们接受过使用特殊武器的训练 & Tactics (SWAT) Teams, Bomb Squads, and Field Force Teams during incidents. 机场紧急服务队 provides on-site emergency medical care at Charlotte-Douglas International Airport inside the terminal or onboard an aircraft, using custom-designed carts to transport patients to an awaiting ambulance when needed.


bet9注册口’s Information Technology team is responsible for the highly complex and 状态 of the art technical architecture solutions and maintenance required for a high-performance EMS system to operate. From our fully customized electronic patient care reporting solution to everyday maintenance, 实施和网络安全, IT is behind the scenes making sure our systems are operating without downtime, 24×7-365以便bet9注册口随时准备响应, 需要bet9注册口的时间和地点.


的 性能改进 department is home to the teams responsible for bet9注册口’s clinical and quality improvement, 继续教育, 安排中情局的资源部署. 这些团队, 共21名成员, work diligently to support bet9注册口’s patient-facing team members and in pursuit of continuous improvement.

  • 临床改善 团队专注于实现bet9注册口的临床卓越愿景. 基于bet9注册口在院前治疗方面的现有成功, this team identifies and investigates opportunities to improve further the outcomes of every patient we encounter through performance monitoring and quality assurance practices.
  • 在bet9注册口,bet9注册口相信员工是bet9注册口最宝贵的资源. 的 预测与调度 team monitors trends and staffing levels to ensure our highly skilled EMTs and Paramedics are available to respond to calls for service in the community.
  • 医疗服务 team operates in service to our patients and patient-facing teammates. 通过交互式模拟, 定期的培训, 并支持招聘和入职流程, the team operates in continuous commitment to our patients’ clinical outcomes.
  • 质量改进 部门从机构的所有数据中获取意义, 监控绩效并识别改进机会. 该团队负责数据汇总和分析, which supports the Agency’s improvement and research agendas and forms the metrics to which we are held.


医生的现场 舰队部门 维持着该机构的108项资产:ALS & BLS ambulances, UTVs, mass casualty buses, and other agency vehicles. 的 team is currently in process of transitioning the ambulance fleet to all custom Dodge 5500 SLT 4X4s, 预计将于2022年完工. 的y are also committed to reduce waste by reducing idle time using the latest technology. Fleet also manages all equipment inside the units such as stretchers, cardiac monitors and AEDs. 设施 确保所有bet9注册口属性, 总部和外围哨所, are functional updated throughout the year as needed including building improvement projects and day-to-day maintenance.


不是一般的人力资源团队! bet9注册口 HR is responsible for day-to-day hiring and recruitment processes (including a candidate assessment center for EMTs and Paramedics and a new hire academy). HR also supports all employees with benefits and compensation inquiries, hosts a yearly Health Fair and provides a public safety – specific employee assistance program. 人力资源部还主持探索者项目, which educates our local residents about EMS as a career (current bet9注册口 Paramedic Wilson, 图左, 是探索者项目的毕业生).


的 公共关系 Department is responsible for all internal and external communications. 在内部, the team organizes and distributes critical communications via multiple platforms, coordinates employee recognition efforts and hosts several employee-centered events throughout the year. 外部, 作为专门的公共信息团队管理媒体关系, 处理危机沟通,同时管理社交媒体, 网站维护和社区外展.


Both the 金融 and Billing Departments uphold bet9注册口’s commitment to fiscal responsibility on a daily basis. 该机构的预算, 部分资金来自县补贴, 是独一无二的复杂和精心管理的 金融 每年由第三方审计. bet9注册口的内部 计费的团队 电话那头的声音是什么时候, 在你的紧急情况之后, helps patients understand their financial responsibilities and insurance benefits for the services provided by bet9注册口.